Deadlines vs. Creativity!

Struggling to balance deadlines and creativity, a one-woman team manages writing, design, and publishing. Despite pressures, the journey is enjoyable and helps stay focused.

An illustration of a person juggling tasks and deadlines, including a laptop, documents, a clock, and check marks, with the word "Deadlines!" written above.
2 minutes

Deadlines and creativity can feel like extremes! I constantly struggle with keeping them balanced.

On one hand, deadlines help. They help me to plan and write, giving me that push to get things done. But deadlines can also bring kind of pressure. Sometimes, I just have to rush things. To finish writing whatever I am doing without proper editing or refinement. I experience both feelings, but yesterday was particularly challenging.

After a hectic day, I had to research, write, and publish an article – all with the looming pressure of my 30-day challenge. By the time I hit publish, it was almost midnight! 11.58 PM ! I wasn’t satisfied either.

Writing involves more than just putting words on paper. You need to gather information, create an outline, and ensure the content is original, engaging, and free of plagiarism.

As a one-woman team, I handle everything. I manage my WordPress site, design the interface (bear with me, I’m no professional UI/UX designer!), create featured images, write alt text, and make sure my content is crawled and indexed.

One reader even asked who designs everything! It’s all Canva for now, though I’d love to learn Procreate someday.

There are times when I feel deadlines hinders creativity. But in today’s world of short attention spans and information overload, deadlines are pushing us to go the extra mile.

Honestly, I don’t know where this journey will take me, but I truly enjoy the process. It is helping me stay focused. Don’t forget to check out another post (Ephemeral) I wrote today while traveling yesterday. Check it out! I haven’t sent it in the newsletter yet since I send one per day. One newsletter a day keeps the pressure away!.

How you do manage?


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