
A woman grapples with confusion and doubt as she questions the authenticity of her past and present.

A stylized and detailed illustration of a blue dissonance flower, featuring layered petals in various shades of blue with brown and golden highlights and with a snake in the centre
A capture still years ago, facing the mirror
In blues and oranges, we stand closely
Smiling, hand around warm and strong
Your sparkling eyes, beautiful and kind

Heart sincere, his laughter rang
Soft gazes, plays spoke of deep devotion
A promise whispered, to the eternity
Filled with love, the day she met him last.

Yet now, another image reached her
A post that fills her with fright
Him in blue blazer, but a world away
Of beside her, a screen, a different day.

His face now dulls, puffy and worn
His eyes once vibrant, dimmed and slow
Emptiness floods in her heart, achingly,
Unable to move, frozen and detached.

Confusion rages like a stormy sea
A venomous seed, growing within
Slowing awakening her nerves through poison
She questions every truth, every memory

What is fake here? A riddle turned up
Between the smiles, that he has worn.
Which one to trust, the past or the present?
Her instincts or the vow that he has taken.

Her heart and mind were caught in tangled web
Between the darkness and the light
Are the eyes that shone for real?
Or the tired face that’s now alone?

Was that the truth? Your eyes or your smile?
The present joy or the game you played.
Are those sad eyes a trick to ensnare.
Or am I confusing the truth in despair?

Am I delusional, seeing through lies
Or was your love a clever disguise?
Are my questions the ones that are false?
Or is it your love that I shouldn’t believe?

What should I trust? Your words or laughter
Or the warmth of your eyes or manipulative plot?
My love or my instincts or the doubts that I feel
All these questions are burning me, too real to suffocate.

A larva of anguish, waiting to explode
What should I believe, which path should I go?
In this storm, where’s the shore? where’s the bliss?
But anyway, to whom should I ask all these?

Tears rolling down the swollen cheeks.
Blurring the past, the future, you and her life!


PS: Check out Ephemeral & others

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