
A nature enthusiast embraces the wilderness, capturing its beauty through photography and protecting the environment from human impact. His work reflects timeless stories.

In the curves, he sits facing the mountains.
None on the roads, green everywhere.
Crimson rays creeping out of the ranges
Cirrostratus as a cherry on top, wrapping blues.

Firm hands and eyes had distinct insights.
Guided us into the woods, a less traveled path
His domicile and the leaves were entangled
Warmth was lavishly dumped over animals

Through the thickets of darkness, he walks unfazed
Shadows deep in the night don't change the path.
Fireceful wilds, pouring rives, undaunted silence
He stands still in his might, unwavering.

For he captures beauty far and wide
At every glance, every take, barely any escapes
His lens frames the wild, serene, and profound.
Bringing out novel and timeless stories

With his gentle hands, he tends the land,
Picking up the trash from ev’ry strand possible.
No bottles, no labels, and no wrappers left behind
For the defend of the woods, in almost all acts.

Knowing to shield the woods and greens,
Answering the quests of the world's decay,
Where roads were built and trees were cut.
Yet, failing to protect him from the perils of ciggy


PS: Check out Dissonance & others


A woman grapples with confusion and doubt as she questions the authenticity of her past and present.

A capture still years ago, facing the mirror
In blues and oranges, we stand closely
Smiling, hand around warm and strong
Your sparkling eyes, beautiful and kind

Heart sincere, his laughter rang
Soft gazes, plays spoke of deep devotion
A promise whispered, to the eternity
Filled with love, the day she met him last.

Yet now, another image reached her
A post that fills her with fright
Him in blue blazer, but a world away
Of beside her, a screen, a different day.

His face now dulls, puffy and worn
His eyes once vibrant, dimmed and slow
Emptiness floods in her heart, achingly,
Unable to move, frozen and detached.

Confusion rages like a stormy sea
A venomous seed, growing within
Slowing awakening her nerves through poison
She questions every truth, every memory

What is fake here? A riddle turned up
Between the smiles, that he has worn.
Which one to trust, the past or the present?
Her instincts or the vow that he has taken.

Her heart and mind were caught in tangled web
Between the darkness and the light
Are the eyes that shone for real?
Or the tired face that’s now alone?

Was that the truth? Your eyes or your smile?
The present joy or the game you played.
Are those sad eyes a trick to ensnare.
Or am I confusing the truth in despair?

Am I delusional, seeing through lies
Or was your love a clever disguise?
Are my questions the ones that are false?
Or is it your love that I shouldn’t believe?

What should I trust? Your words or laughter
Or the warmth of your eyes or manipulative plot?
My love or my instincts or the doubts that I feel
All these questions are burning me, too real to suffocate.

A larva of anguish, waiting to explode
What should I believe, which path should I go?
In this storm, where’s the shore? where’s the bliss?
But anyway, to whom should I ask all these?

Tears rolling down the swollen cheeks.
Blurring the past, the future, you and her life!


PS: Check out Ephemeral & others


In a chaotic world, we found solace in each other, forming deep bonds. But a new arrival brings a chance for change and growth.

In the world of Chaos, we share the same fate.
Bounded by the trauma, we found each other.
Scars deep down, we clung to each other.
You were my saviour; I was yours.

Mirrored agony, laughed with tears together.
Comforting and serving, we played our cards.
Bonds we shared crushed what was nearby,
The world around us crumbled, yet we remained.

Searching for the light to shape us better
Wings clipped and tethered, can't learn to fly,
Then he arrived at a different shore.
Exposing another universe, a chance to thrive.

Not love, but feeling, may be a striking spark.
A ray of hope to pull out of the dark
Fair weathered, he left along the way.
Doing some good yet breaking our fragile heaven.

True to everything, you are my anchor.
Yet a horizon beyond us whispers newness.
Wishing to sing the new songs, places to visit
To taste new adventures and experiences with you.

Let's shed these chains of dependency we share.
Heal our wounds and shattered souls.
Letting our kind spirits to sing their colors
Where we can smile, free from all.

I'll always adore what we've created this far.
The future is uncertain, new skies ahead,

Should we endure or thrive together?
As we now stand at the edge of unknown.


PS: Check out Caged Flames & others

Caged Flames!

A woman, confined by norms, marvels at fearless feminists’ confidence and strength. Doubts and fears cloud her mind, but hope lingers for a liberating future.

In a quiet suburban area, the skies are turning crimson.
She walks alone on the terrace in the warm breeze.
Barely grazing her face, yet leaving her perplexed
While protecting her with norms and traditions.

She wonders at the women who stand so boldly.
These feminist stories are flaming fierce fully.
Their confidence burns bright and strong.
As they pass their storm with audacity.

Of choices they make, their future taking flight,
With ease and elegance, as if their norm?
Career or life, they grasp with both hands.
No whispers and boundaries confine them

Skies dimming, shadowing the lanes of suburban
She feels confining and restricted by invisible walls.
Her heart and body were heavy and suffocating.
Doubts and fears hold her tight, destroying.

With her eyes brimming with tears, she thinks
What fuels their strength? Chasing away the fears.
Is it their birthplace? Stoking their desires.
Or their loving parents with caring hands?

Is it their environment? Or the city grands?
Or their inner strength, which they count on.
Is their beauty? Or a physical grace they hold?
Or are they simply out of luck?

As she questions, insecurities and fears creep in.
Making her awful and shrinking her power.
Are her dreams too big or her spirit too small?
Or has she yet to hear her own call?

It started to fade black, but those inquiries remain.
Her burdensome expectations and limitations.
Forcing her wings to fit in the cage.
Yet deep down, her hopes were smouldering

Torn between admiration and self-doubt’s sting
She yearns for freedom and to find her inner wing.
For though her past might hold her tight
But a bright future looks liberating.

To break the bonds and walk her path
She must embrace her courage and seize.
To soar like those flames, bold and brave.
To make her own, a fearless choice, someday.


PS: Check out Silent Echoes & others

Silent Echoes!

The Silent Echoes portrays a series of encounters and unrequited love, reflecting on missed opportunities and mixed signals, ultimately asking why it was difficult to say no.

On gifting teddy, making all wish
Your eyes spoke volumes, or so I would fish.
Was it friendship's gentle start?
Or a flicker in a hopeful heart?
You could've just said No, on that day.

Mid-journey hiccups, at that night
You lent a hand out, admitting all the risks.
Was it help or love that's destined?
Or to quench a thirst that burned somehow
You could've just said No and let me be.

My screen, a hallow that echoes roam
Hundreds of calls, texts when we fought.
Were fights, a promise in the dark?
Or the clash or words that would disappear.
You could've just said No and hung up then.

Under the noonday sun, sitting next to the window
I proposed, nervously pouring out the heart,
Foolish words spell out trembling tongue
An uncertain future, yet unsung the truth
You could've just said No and let me fall.

Efforts to meet you, miles crossed, determined
Leaving comforts just to be by your side.
Did the distance promise closeness? I doubt.
Or was it just a yearning for my hand?
You could've just said No before I crossed the line.

When doubts of another crept in your mind,
A jealous whisper, a poisoned arrow's wing
Was loyalty a game we played?
Or a twisted test my heart couldn't take?
You could've just said No and set me free.

Lyrics, coded messages, a cryptic game
A hidden language, hearts couldn't meet
Was it a love sonnet or a cruel act?
Mixed signals tangled, leaving me dismayed.
You could've just said No and left it all unsaid.

A secret word of amor, you conveyed
Only to turn around and have my hopes
Altar vows for another, you can't claim
Why twist the wound with silence, cold, and starkness?
You could've just said No and let me weep.

Each moment, each instance, each chance,
A love that never had a chance to grow
He let all her hopes crumble to dust
She whispers softly to the past and its shadows.
Why was it so hard to just say No?

PS: Longest one so far!

Check out Schism & others


Eva and Ava confront their choices and motives. Their inner conflict remains, and they seek unity and self-understanding. Can the story be rewritten?

You wrenched fool, Eva screams out loud,
Who longed for love, a home, a life.
Believed self worth was what you'd found Ava?
Was it ice cold pride that pushed him away?
Watch him build a life, a future, you Idiot.

Ava rages back, with a furious tone,
Yelling, Love you wished to be carved?
Or a cage built to trap yourself?
You feared to be alone, dummkopf!

You were selfish, denying, sobbing,
You let your fears haunt you, 
You walked away from the love so true
No see, How empty are you? Loser!

I am not empty, Ava retorts
Don't you see? I needed a space
Owning myself was all I wished for
Not to trade my soul for playing the lamb.

Their voices clashed, blaming each other,
Every word bruised, each phrase a whip, 
The grief within them, flowed across, 
Neither of them, could ease their pain.

Two selves at war, to know thyself
Their unity questioned them stabbing,
Which one was false? which one the Queen?
They found no answers, though tried.

Their unified voice whispered pleading
Can i rewrite this story?
Make myself whole without this cruel divide?

Check out Delusional & others


A tale of forbidden love unfolds as two worlds collide, defying age and hierarchy. Blissful moments give way to heartbreak as reality shatters their delusions, leaving her in silent agony.

Stolen grace, maroon tucked tight, he strides across the way
She in green floral salwar, smiling at his weirdness

Their worlds collided, hiding the mysteries of the future.
Forbidden love bloomed, ignoring the whispers of disapproval.
Flourishing against all the odds of age and hierarchy.

Blissful moments and stolen kisses made them flutter.
Joyous and bright days pass, leaving her delusional.
Though decent, anxieties often clouded his judgement,
Layers of an unfathomable future are revealed gradually.

Yet she dwelled in her fantasy, holding the rope of hope.
Every actionless clues, a sliver of light peeked through her dark
Cold heart, turning down every men who dare to show,
Hoping that he would return from the night.

Waited in vain, her body wrapped in chains
That dug into her skin, bleeding and crying.

Rumors were being spread that would tear her apart.
Heard his owe, blinded eyes of her's refusal to heed

Clinging onto the bits and pieces of her broken fallacy
Webbed a cocoons around her, failing to grasp the truth.
Until fate struck like thunder, smashing a heavy blow
Exploded her bubble of delusion, drenching her in pain.

The heaviness of her false, choked her in every breath.
For seeing a picture, stark, clear, and colorful
The man, his bride, smiling radiantly and true

Reality creeps in, splintering her fragile sphere.

Critiques pierced her as a dagger, severe
Why did you cling to this path of despair?
To live in delusion, devoid of care?
Her silence spoke volumes and volumes.

A diegesis of agony too deep for words.

Looking at his bride's innocence,
She walks away, leaving the amour and the soul, .
Each step being a burden, heart that holds so tight,
Knowing that love can exist, even left behind!

Check out A thing & others

A thing!

A white buddha statue
Photo by Mattia Faloretti on Unsplash
Bounded between the four walls of a pitch-dark

She lies, staring at a painting on the wall.

The warm breeze soothed her body yet,

Her mind still wandered around the totality.

Rummaged through her memories in search of the same;

For that thing that would put her at peace;

To her tuck into delectable food than before;

And to put her into a sound and soulful sleep.

Thought it to be delusional, having failed,

Moved her eyes off Buddha and sighed,

Swirling back into her chaotic world!

Check out the latest ones


In a dark room, a tempting girl snuggles downs;

Being smashed with the oceans of thoughts;

As it was unendurable to choke back the tears;

He shrugged carelessly and denied her with a smile;

For prettier girl presented her love;

The person whom she idolized forgetting herself;

Struggling to give up his soul from the darkroom;

The place where her soul beats and pumps;

Never realized that she has been loved by her alley;

For she was the honey of his blooming flowers;

Being in a dilemma to suit her with a wooer;

She sleeps restlessly with a dismal smile!!!

Check out the latest ones

Living Doll

The bride, adorned in stunning attire, captivated all with her elegance. Guests were awestruck as she walked down the aisle.

There she was, at the entry with her bridesmaids,

She was dressed up to the nines.

Little stones on her, sparkled her glory and lit the room,

Everything seemed flawless and perfect.

The crowd looked perpetual and wondered if it was a doll.

As her lashes waved, dazzling eyes moved,

A sight to behold for the gathering,

Failing to think of other phrases, idioms, or expressions

That would define her precisely,

Stood speechless and had his head in the clouds,

Oblivious to her own majesty,

She walked down the aisle with grace and elegance.

Check out the latest ones


She faced him with determination, but his words and souvenirs left her suffocated and skeptical, shattering her dreams.

Finally, the day has arrived that she never wanted,

Crammed with valor, pushed herself to face him,

As she might fall again for those dazzling eyes,

Picked up her present with heaviness in her heart,

An Ocean of thoughts baffled her in pain,

Made up her mind to inscribe her epilogue,

Stood still, scatterbrained, struggling to retrieve herself,

As he was irresistible with his jammies,

Afore she could gaze at him completely, he sets the seal on his words,

Having heard none, bestowed a collection of his souvenirs,

Took her way out, as she ne’er cried out for shambles,

Indubitable words to be left out in the cold,

Suffocated, choked up against her agony of mind,

His throbbing pulse heaved a sigh of relief,

As it blew away her skeptical beliefs,

Skedaddled with Sayonara, plundering his chimerical dreams.!

Check out the latest ones


A woman struggled with loneliness in an unfamiliar place until a caring man helped her heal and embrace life’s beauty.

In the world of unknown traditions and lifestyles,

Fear of being left alone haunted her, as conformist she was.!

Before she could settle herself in that strange land

uncertainty devastated her within the walls of loneliness,

Shielded her from the eyes of opposite like a turtle,

although she couldn’t endure another parting,

As zephyr, he entered in terms of amity,

where he was undogmatic and receptive.!

His love and care kept healing her bruise.!

Stunning eyes crouched, swayed her thoughts not to fall but in vain

Unconsciously, he swept her off her feet.!

Beats of his heart just felt on the palm of her hands,

As cold winds blew, he held her tight around his arms,

Sphere failed to revolve when his lips were on hers,

Comprehended her to breakthrough through her own dividing line

And taught her to admire even the teensy-weensy things

Her picture of right winger women was smashed down to earth

While he illuminated her beauty and soul through colors

Afore she could rise to ecstatic, Left her with no traces behind like a merman

Without anticipating her destiny, fluttered her wings too high.!

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